Responsible Procurement

TESS is committed to sustainable business practices that respect people, communities, and the environment. To complement our policy, we have developed guidelines for our suppliers. These guidelines ensure that our suppliers adhere to the same standards of ethics and sustainability that we uphold within our organization.

To achieve sustainable business practices, we aim to collaborate closely with our suppliers and business partners. Cooperation within the supply chain is essential for responsible business conduct and for achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


Requirements for Our Operations

Our policy for sustainable business practices forms the foundation for our sustainability efforts, including those in the supply chain.

Our suppliers and partners can expect our business and procurement practices to enhance, rather than undermine, their ability to meet our standards for human, community, and environmental conditions. While we prefer a collaborative approach, TESS will terminate business relationships if a supplier or partner fails to meet or show willingness to meet our sustainability expectations.


Requirements for the Supply Chain

We expect our suppliers and partners to work systematically and purposefully to comply with our supplier guidelines, which encompass principles of sustainable business practices. These include fundamental requirements for human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare, and the environment.

Our suppliers must:

  • Follow the supplier guidelines, including principles of sustainable business practices.
  • Actively conduct due diligence assessments, identifying and mitigating risks of negative impacts on people, communities, and the environment. They must monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of these measures and communicate the results to those affected. Suppliers responsible for negative impacts must also restore the affected conditions.
  • Demonstrate willingness and ability to continuously improve conditions for people, communities, and the environment through collaboration.
  • Document, upon TESS's request, how they and any subcontractors comply with the guidelines.
  • If a supplier repeatedly fails to comply with the guidelines, contract termination may occur.
  • Have a system for handling complaints related to human rights, labor rights, the environment, and corruption.
  • Avoid business partners operating in countries under UN and/or Norwegian trade embargoes.


Expected Follow-Up from TESS

Upon request, suppliers must document their own and any subcontractors' compliance with the guidelines. This may involve follow-up conversations and/or inspections of working conditions at production sites. If TESS decides to assess subcontractors for compliance with the guidelines, the supplier must permit such assessments and provide the names and contact details of the subcontractors.

Supplier Guidelines (Code of Conduct)