Storage and Handling of Hoses

Hose materials, especially rubber, age over time and undergo changes in their physical characteristics. This will result in the rubber product losing its optimal characteristics for the intended application.

In general, TESS recommends storage times according to ISO 8331.

< 4 years before assembly and/or pre-fabrication

< 2 years for assembled units.

If the assembled units are stored longer than specified in the standard under given circumstances, the hoses should be inspected and tested before use. The test is not specified and does not confirm the expected service life of the assembled unit.

  • Reduce storage time to a minimum, considering that rubber ages over time
  • Use the FIFO principle (First In – First Out)
  • Ensure the most optimal storage conditions, taking relevant parameters into consideration


It is generally recommended to store hoses at a temperature of 0 to +35 °C (preferred 15 °C).

If we refer to ISO 8331, a maximum of 25 °C is recommended.


Very humid or dry environments should be avoided. Recommended values are 60 - 65% (should not exceed 65%) relative humidity.


Hoses and rubber products should be protected from sunlight or strong artificial light.

It is generally recommended to reduce the amount of light through windows in storage areas and/or keep the products in light-proof packaging.

Ozone and UV

Fluorescent fixture, proximity to high electrical voltage, etc., should be avoided due to the impact of ozone on rubber-based products. Products should not be exposed to circulating air and should be packed in closed packaging.

Oils, solvents, grease

When storing hoses and rubber-based products, contact with oils, solvents, grease, etc., should be avoided.

Heat sources

Hoses and rubber-based products should be stored at a good distance from heat sources, electrical sources, and magnetic fields. Storage in these areas may cause the metal in the products to generate heat.

Storage methods

As much as possible, hoses should avoid being stored in a stressed state. Coils and storage drums used should always have the largest possible diameter. The hose's maximum bending radius should not be exceeded. Rubber products should be stored in a way that avoids frictional wear (abrasive wear).

Handling methods

Hoses should be handled in a way that avoids physical damage and unnecessary stress. Use suitable lifting equipment tailored to hoses. Any damage could compromise the product's lifespan.