Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainable business operations at TESS are a leadership responsibility embedded in our core values, overarching strategy, and policies. Our sustainable business practices are managed through our HSE and Quality management systems, based on ISO standards 9001, 14001, and 45001.

Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy is rooted in our overarching goals, values, ethical guidelines, and ambitions. Along with the company's main strategy and other guiding documents, it helps us achieve our objectives. By establishing and adhering to a sustainability strategy, TESS demonstrates its commitment to responsible business practices both internally and externally.

Read our strategy (Norwegian)



Our policy is determined by top management and applies to all TESS companies and their activities. Sustainability elements are integrated into the policy as a crucial part. The policy is continuously reviewed, capturing and considering changes in requirements and other stakeholder inputs. It is signed at least annually, communicated to employees, and published on our website.

Read our policy


Due Diligence Assessments

The Transparency Act is anchored in the leadership group for implementation and sent to the AMU for orientation in all TESS companies. Systems for reporting critical issues are established and communicated within the organization.

Due diligence assessments are an integral part of our business operations, with clear expectations from top management and well-defined responsibilities within the organization to ensure implementation. These assessments are centrally organized at TESS. TESS AS performs and reports due diligence assessments on behalf of all TESS companies.

The HR function is responsible for assessing internal conditions, while Purchasing & Sourcing evaluates the supply chain. The HSE-K leader at TESS AS is responsible for quality assurance and reporting, providing support and internal communication for due diligence assessments.

We believe this organizational structure ensures the best integration within the company and places responsibility where it belongs. Compliance with the Transparency Act is reviewed at least annually through the HSE and Quality system.


Three business people in the office working together. - original


TESS's conduct towards the external environment, customers, suppliers, and employees is described in our ethical guidelines.

Together with our suppliers, TESS strives to ensure that products are manufactured under good ethical conditions. All suppliers to TESS are mapped and approved according to high standards and ethical guidelines.


If you have any questions, please contact:

Helge Guthormsen1.png
Helge Guthormsen
Head of HSE-Q and Sustainability
+47 481 36 739
Send email