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Economic Sustainability

TESS is solid, liquid, entirely Norwegian, and owned by a foundation, which provides extra security for customers, employees, and suppliers. All with an eternity perspective.


Growth in the Eternity Perspective

The TESS Group reports a record-high revenue for 2022. Revenue increased from 3.4 billion in 2021 to 4 billion in 2022. The group is experiencing growth in all market segments, as well as in the group's international operations.

The group increased its operating profit from 287 million NOK in 2021 to 318 million NOK in 2022. The profit before tax ended at 309 million NOK in 2022, an increase from 261 million NOK in 2021.



Social Responsibility and Engagement

The Erik Jølberg Foundation has so far awarded 22.7 million NOK to local organizations in Lier.

The Erik Jølberg Foundation is the majority owner of TESS, with the purpose of exercising stable and long-term ownership of TESS. This ownership contributes to stable jobs across the country. Through the foundation, up to five million NOK is distributed to charitable causes for children and youth in Lier municipality.

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