Reduced Environmental Impact and Carbon Footprint with Rentals

Renting machines, equipment, and scalable container solutions is a growing focus area at TESS, contributing to lower emissions and reduced environmental impact. The goal is for customers to increasingly rent instead of owning, thereby supporting the circular economy.

Reducing Energy Consumption at Construction Sites

Modular rigs account for much of the energy consumption at construction sites. Our new modular buildings and containers meet current regulations to reduce this consumption. By using the latest standards in modules and container solutions, energy consumption during the construction period is reduced while optimizing space utilization.

By mid-2024, we will have approximately 200 container solutions and a large number of hose and pipe production equipment out with customers, in addition to washing equipment and oil refilling systems. Rental is an important focus area at TESS and makes significant contributions to lower emissions and reduced environmental impact.


Quick Access Anytime

Mobile container solutions "on-site" provide access to equipment and tools 24/7, thus eliminating the need for transport related to the acquisition of equipment, tools, or goods. The customer maintains uptime, and avoids delays, and potential pollution from hose breaks or other shortages.

Several container solutions are tailored to industries with high activity and demand in different parts of the country. These containers are available at TESS locations near the respective projects, reducing unnecessary emissions from long-distance transport from TESS centrally. For example, containers for offshore work are strategically located in Stavanger and Bergen, while several standard hose workshops are located in the Trondheim region.

TESS offers both standardized and customized container solutions, ensuring the right equipment for each project. This reduces the amount of unused equipment on projects and ensures equipment is used efficiently. Equipment sharing minimizes the need for new equipment production and reduces the need for storage space.



Emissions-Free Washing Container

In 2024, TESS launched a fully electric and emissions-free washing container. The container is a complete solution tailored for cleaning machines and equipment at industrial and construction sites. By choosing an all-electric rather than a diesel-powered washing container, the customer will save 100.5 kg of CO2 emissions over a 7-hour workday*.
*Diesel engines emit 2.66 kg CO2 per liter of diesel. A diesel-powered washing container uses 5.4 liters of diesel per hour, emitting 14.36 kg of CO2 per hour. Over a 7-hour workday, this amounts to 100.52 kg CO2.

Read more about the washing container

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Hose Workshop, Pressure Test Unit, and Storage Container

Reduced Emissions with Offshore Hose Production

Several rig companies choose to carry out hose replacements during operation. TESS mobilizes DNV-approved offshore containers that enable complete hose production on the rig. By moving hose production to offshore containers, we reduce emissions while increasing customer uptime. Compared to traditional production and supply, we see significant reductions in CO2 emissions related to less road transport and helicopter flights.

Read more about offshore containers



Extending Lifespan

Continuous and systematic service and maintenance extend the lifespan of tools and equipment. Therefore, we place great emphasis on thorough maintenance and service of older modules and equipment, in addition to developing new container solutions.

The majority of the rental fleet is stored centrally at TESS, where experienced service technicians perform service and maintenance after the rental period. When appropriate, service technicians from local TESS locations are also used.

In the past two years, several older containers have also been converted into new solutions through significant upgrades and reuse. Based on our experiences, we estimate that the upgrades extend the lifespan of container solutions by 10 years.


More Energy-Efficient Equipment

Older equipment is often less energy-efficient and has higher emissions than newer alternatives. TESS therefore invests in modern and energy-efficient equipment. Today, approximately 85 percent of the rental fleet is electric. By combining maintenance with upgrading to newer equipment, significant reductions in energy consumption and emissions are achieved.