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Food and Pharmaceutical Industries

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Hoses for food transfer

At TESS, we prioritize delivering advanced technical solutions, hoses, and compatible fittings and couplings specifically designed for the food industry.

Whether you’re handling liquid or powdered food products, TESS has the right equipment to meet your needs. Our extensive selection of hoses and accessories is ideal for transporting a wide range of food and beverages, including milk, wine, beer, vegetable oils, and sugar. Our typical customers include dairies, breweries, beverage producers, and slaughterhouses, as well as laboratories and the pharmaceutical industry.

Our product range is meticulously tailored to meet the industry’s strict quality standards and comes with all the necessary certifications (FDS, EU, IANESCO, etc.). TESS hoses are fully compliant with key regulations, including:

  • Regulation (EC) - No 1935/2004 of 27th of October 2004 modified

  • Regulation (EC) - No 2023/2006 of 22nd f December 2006 modified

  • French Regulation dated 2020/08/05 on rubber materials

  • Regulation (EC) - No 10/2011 of 14th January 2011 modified

In the food industry, cleaning and high-pressure washing of floors and work areas are essential tasks. To support these processes, we offer flexible, smooth, and easy-to-handle hoses that can withstand the chemicals and high temperatures involved.




Metal Hoses & Welding Services

With the combination of resisting full vacuum and temperatures in the range from -196°C to +550°C, TESS metal hoses are well suited for the transfer of gases, chemicals, oil
products, steam and hot fluids.

TESS metal hoses provide great flexibility and enables absorption of normal vibrations in most type of machines and piping installations. The hoses are type approved by DNV-GL, and TESS also provides documentation according to PED directive 2014/68/EU where requested.

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Flange- and pipe systems

TESS offers non-welded flange solutions with a proven track record from several decades. The solutions have especially been revolutionizing piping solutions for the offshore- and maritime industries.

Innovative systems based on 90 and 37 degrees flaring as well as retain ring system. Working pressures from 10 to 690 BAR with pipe dimensions from 16 to 608 mm.

The 100% pre fabrication options guarantees:

  • Highest cleanliness level

  • Safe and cost efficient installation

  • Flexibel engineering

The solutions come with type approvals from DNV-GL and are approved for offshore installations according to NORSOK.

The weld free pipe repair solutions leads to extensive reduction in time and cost related to pipe repairs offshore during operational conditions.

It provides increased uptime at a lower cost than traditional repairs through welding. TESS has the products, personnel and experience to deliver a total solution to the highest standard.


Steel Compensators

TESS also delivers steel compensators. These can be tailor-made according to length and motion requirements and are used to absorb and neutralize different movements and vibrations in piping installations.

Along with the metal hoses and compensators, TESS is offering a range of related services offshore. Our technicians travel offshore onboard installations to carry out surveys, optimizing current solutions and installing hoses which are prefabricated at our HQ. TESS covers everything from simple metal hoses to more complicated and tailor made solutions.

Want to know more about what we offer?



Geir Korsmo
Sales and Segment Director
+47 905 19 342

Siw Kjær

Senior Sales Coordinator
+47 960 08 056